Thursday, April 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by ShatteredMartialArtist
People need to get away. Run away, never come back.
Don't look back...
(They're watching you.) Close, closer...
On your back. Get off, get off.
God, shake it, shaken times.
Run as fast as you can. Outrun them.
Fast, go faster, make it. You can't.
(They're gaining on you.) Oh no, no, no. This isn't true.
Run past the house. Past the fence. Past the dog.
Over the bridge. Through the glass.
Tell me, what were you planning.
Is this what you really want. Circle the drain. Throw it away.
Run, you fool.
(No, give up.)
Energy is low. Can't go on.
Hurry now, hurry.
Come on slowpoke, faster.
Breathing heavy. Chest on fire. Legs giving out.
Wind... Cold. Feel it.
Through the hair. Grass under the feet.
Pound the ground. Keep going.
(You're never going to make it. They're faster)
Go. Now. Run. Fast.
Place faith in me. Listen.
Succeed. Keep going. Don't stop.
(No. Faith is not worth it. You're failing. You're done.)

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